Informal Letter

How to Write a Letter to a Friend – Step by Step Guidelines

• Step 1: Date and Address.

• Step 2: Write a Salutation :

• Dear Sara,

• Hello, Sara!

• Hi Sara

• Dearest Sara

• Step 3: Introduction

• How are you doing ?

• Thanks for your letter…..

• I hope you have been having a wonderful time in ….

• I hope everything is OK.

• I would like to tell you about ……..

• Step 4: Body of the letter :In this part, you can write about your news, common interests, and questions. In brief, this part contains whatever information you want to share with your friend.

• Step 5: End of the Letter:

• Hoping to hear from you soon!

• I must stop now / I must close now.

How to Sign off on a personal letter:

Best wishes


Good Bye,

Take care,


Your friend…

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